B&M Roofing is an A+ BBB Accredited Business
There are a number of roofing contractors in Colorado. With so many roofing contractors to choose from we find that most of our clients have similar concerns as to which company is the best choice for them. Most consumers will want to ensure that their roofer is a legitimate Colorado roofing contractor and not a storm chaser. At B&M Roofing we want to be as upfront as possible with our information. If you are on the hunt for a roofing contractor, be sure to check the status of each business with the BBB.
B&M Roofing has been a member of the BBB for the past 6 years and we have established a proven track record with them. Consumers can utilize the BBB as a resource to find objective, unbiased information on businesses. You can visit the BBB site at here to review our file.
We have serviced everything from residential shingles to commercial EPDM throughout Colorado and surrounding areas. No repair work is too large or too small for us at B&M Roofing. We even provide Emergency Repair, call 303-443-5843.