Man on a ladder inspecting roof shingles

B&M Roofing’s Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is right around the corner, which means spring cleaning is in full effect. While decluttering your home and cleaning out the shed are great places to start on your cleaning list, your roof also needs a little extra love this season. By following B&M Roofing’s Roof Spring Cleaning Checklist, you can ensure that your roof stays in good shape for the remainder of the year.

1. Trim Overextended Branches

Long branches can scratch, damage or even completely remove roofing materials. Trim any extended branches that are encroaching your roof.

2. Check Flashing & Shingles

After a snowy winter, flashing and shingles can become damaged. Inspect for any loose or curled shingles and for damaged flashing. These things can get worse over time if unattended to, so catching them early will help your roof last as long as possible

3. Clean Gutters

You gutters have been working overtime to drain all the rain and snow that accumulated on your roof during the winter. Giving them a good cleaning will ensure that water continues to drain properly off of your roof to prevent damage.

4. Inspect Attic

A healthy roof starts on the inside. Inspect your attic for any stains or leaks that may have surfaced over the winter.

5. Remove Mold & Debris

Debris and moss can cause severe damage to your shingles and clog your gutters. To prevent this, make sure to sweep off sticks and leaves from your roof and use control strips to remove moss and algae.

6. Hire an Inspector

After a harsh winter, it’s possible that leaks or structural damage have occurred on your roof. Hiring a professional to inspect your roof and make any necessary repairs is the safest way to protect your home. B&M Roofing is proud to provide roofing service and repair on everything from small residential roofs to complicated high-end commercial properties throughout Colorado and its surrounding areas. Visit our website for a free estimate on roofing services: